Improving health care thanks to user opinions

Health care has seen a change in its relationship with users and patients. Now they are more demanding, they are better informed and given the option, they choose who to trust with their health.


The customer experience in the health sector.

Health care companies are created to offer value and provide solutions to their customers’ health problems. But we often forget that "value" is not an objective, clear or measurable element. Value is an emotional interpretation of how customers feel when they are treated at your hospital or doctor's office; its most accurate assessment is based on the customer experience. Customer experience affects any business model, since the emotional part of any transaction defines how we have made the customer feel, whether we have built loyalty, and whether they will recommend us, ignore us or worse, criticize us. It's essential to know about our customers' experiences, and at Opinat, we know how to do it in an agile, efficient way and by interacting with them.


Authentic specialists in the health sector.

We are leaders in the sector, with more than 250 health care centres connected to our NPS® system. Hospitals, clinics, health centres and doctors' offices are not like any other company: They treat people who have entrusted them with their health and thus require sensitive treatment adapted to the circumstances. At OPINAT we have been measuring experience across the entire patient journey for 15 years. Knowing whom to ask, when, how, and above all, not being invasive are the keys to the success of an NPS® project in the health sector. Hospitals do not sell services or products, but rather take care of people. Putting people at the centre of health care activity is essential for continuous improvement.


Discover our health sector benchmark.

With nearly 5 million surveys based on the NPS® system, we have high-value information about the patient experience, being able to segment into criteria such as type of care, payor mix, medical specialties or the dispersion of reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction. More information: Santiago Raventós Health vertical leader +34 609 162 576


An Opinat NPS® specialist at your disposal

Contact us to have your questions answered by a specialist with direct experience in the implementation of our NPS solution with customers of different sizes and industries.

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