An easy and immediate way to measure your customers' satisfaction

Understanding and valuing your customers' experiences will help you classify them and obtain the necessary answers to get the most out of your services.


Customer experience

The customer lives an experience of purchasing or consuming a product or service



At the most appropriate time, depending on the industry and the characteristics of the experience, an automatic NPS® survey is sent out through the most convenient channel.

Instantly try each of the channels.

By taking the test you accept Opinat's privacy policy.

Opinat Email

Enter your email and we will send you a demo survey within a maximum of 30 minutes:

Opinat SMS

Enter your mobile number and we will send you an SMS with a link to the demo survey within a maximum of 30 minutes.

Opinat Link

Try the Opinat Link channel by clicking on the button below labeled: "Try me".

Opinat QR

Capture this QR code with your mobile to access the demo survey:


Get answers and classify customers

Depending on the result, we classify customers into three types:

Customers who respond between 0 and 6 are considered DETRACTORS, that is, customers for whom the experience has not been positive for some reason, and it is necessary to act quickly.

If their rating is 7 or 8, they are considered to be PASSIVE customers, who are happy but who should be asked why they have not selected 10.

Finally, customers who score 9 or 10 are PROMOTERS, those who will always recommend us and who will be ambassadors of our services as an entity.


Monitor and provide an immediate response

A company should find out about and contact its detractors to be able to delve deeper into the reasons for their dissatisfaction and, above all, so that they feel cared for. Making sure each case is resolved by the right person is how a detractor becomes a promoter.


Take advantage of reports

Create and generate personalized reports to monitor NPS® campaigns and identify, quantitatively and qualitatively, the reasons that lead to dissatisfaction and plan actions to correct them.


We develop your custom dashboards so you can see what really interests you.


If you don't have time to enter the tool, subscribe to our monthly reports that you will receive in your email.


If it's not in the dashboard, you can build your reports on the fly.


Share the NPS® throughout the company in multiple ways, to make it another KPI of the organization.

Power BI

We use Power BI, but we can also send consolidated data to other BI solutions.


An Opinat NPS® specialist at your disposal

Contact us to have your questions answered by a specialist with direct experience in the implementation of our NPS solution with customers of different sizes and industries.

Contact us