Leaders in the funeral services sector
If there is a sector in which the NPS© methodology is very useful and ideal, this is undoubtedly funeral services.

Throughout our more than 10 years of experience with funeral services clients, we can confirm that the use of customer experience surveys with NPS© methodology provides high-added value information to these companies about their customers in highly tough and special circumstances.
Sensitivity and specialisation
People are not aware that when we hire funeral services it is a special moment in people's lives. Most of the times, people requesting the services are relatives of the deceased and, therefore, their mood in these circumstances is affected and they are especially sensible.
With these conditions it becomes difficult to evaluate the experience that relatives have had throughout the funeral process: transfers, funeral homes, ceremonies, etc. These are not times to answer the classic long, tedious and unpersonal survey such as an e-mail or a simple SMS.
On the contrary, through a “warm” phone call in which, instead of asking the client who hired the service, we only ask two questions and give them the opportunity to explain in their own words how the experience was, in order to get, not only common evaluation of the services but direct experiences of great value.
A fully adapted call centre to the sector
In Opinat's call centre we have operators specialised in surveys with NPS© methodology and, specifically, specialised in funeral services. Therefore, we achieve a very high response rate and generate trust with our clients and their end users.
Conversations with customers are recorded on our platform and can be shared throughout the entire organization, thereby enabling the initiation of workflows to improve whatever needs to be improved through the tool itself.

Opinat, the sole company to be able to offer a comparative benchmark of the sector
In addition, Opinat is the sole competitor to offer a full sector NPS© rate for funeral services based on aggregated results of all our clients in the sector.
More than 470,000 telephone surveys support this sector benchmark.
More information:
José María Raventós
Funeral services sector leader
+34 649 843 049