Quirón Salud
The patients’ experience is a key element for the organization.

Being familiar with the patient experience in all of the hospital’s processes is crucial for improving our care quality. By listening to and answering their opinions, we discover what they value the most, but also where we need to improve.
Achieved goals
- Avoided inconveniencing the patient with long and tedious satisfaction surveys.
- Over 30% response rate for e-mail evaluations.
- One single NPS number that is easy to disseminate and communicate within the organization.
- All information is available in real time from wherever there is an internet connection.
- Guided the company toward the most important thing: their patients.
For idcsalud, the patient must be the focus around which the entire organization should revolve.
Always tailored to the patient.
When a patient is admitted to a Quirón Salud hospital, they place their most treasured asset, their health, in the hands of the center’s professionals. In return, we must earn their trust by providing them with premium care that exceeds their expectations. In the end, only the patient will be able to assess if we were successful or not and, to that end, we must ask them in a quick and simple manner. Because of this, we decided to implement the NPS system in all our hospitals in 2013 through Opinat, a leading company in implementing this system in the healthcare sector.

How the NPS system was implemented in Quirón Salud.
Quirón Salud wanted to implement a system for evaluating the patient’s experience by eschewing classic satisfaction surveys, seeking to reduce as much as possible the time taken to answer but at the same time obtaining the most information possible, especially from patients that express some form of dissatisfaction. To that end, an analysis was conducted of the points of contact between the patient and hospital whose satisfaction level we wished to gauge; the necessary interfaces for launching surveys in a fully automated manner were created, and different channels for obtaining the results were established. As such, information about the following processes is currently obtained in real time at all Quirón Salud hospitals:
- Discharges of admitted patients: An e-mail is sent to the patient upon release, and a certain number of phone calls are complementarily made to obtain a more valuable opinion.
- Emergency Care procedures: We likewise evaluate the experience of emergency care patients 48 hours after release by sending an e-mail or making a phone call.
- Outpatient procedures: In addition to sending e-mails, some hospitals have iPads from which patients’ opinions in certain services are recorded in real time. Posters with QR tags were also designed; when scanned with a smartphone, they link to a survey about the service where the poster is located.
All these campaigns sustain themselves in a fully hands-free manner thanks to Opinat’s interface. If any patient has a negative opinion, our system sends an alert e-mail that informs of the dissatisfaction to the person at the hospital who is in charge of handling it.
Real-time information.
With Opinat’s solution, Quirón Salud has a fully cloud-based software tool that allows them to view their patients’ perception throughout the entire hospital network in real time. Furthermore, they can conduct internal benchmarking comparisons to determine which hospitals, specializations, doctors, etc. execute certain processes better and learn from them. All this information is available 24/7 for viewing or to instantly generate any type of report or summary.
But the most important thing is that the concept of real time allows the professionals at Quirón Salud to instantly know which patients express any dissatisfaction and instantly serve them so that they feel addressed and heard. This is the big difference between surveying a customer and asking them about their experience via the NPS system.